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IN THE SPOTLIGHT, campaigns and forums, key events

Ukrainian child deported to Russia
Une campagne de dons pour rapatrier les enfants ukrainiens déportés

Let's bring them back !

Between 20,000 and 200,000 Ukrainian children were forcibly transferred to Russia and Belarus

For Ukraine, for their Freedom and Ours! is an NPO founded in 2022 by members of civil society, with no political affiliations.  It aims to raise awareness among French public opinion and European governments of the Ukrainian cause in the face of Russia's war of aggression.
1. in the field of ideas and debate, to "tell the war", both within civil society and with political decision-makers;
2. in the media, legal and cultural arenas;
3. concretely and financially, to send Ukraine the aid it needs;
4. on the full, mutually beneficial integration of Ukraine into democratic Europe.

Russia is waging an all-out war against democracies, their societal values, their institutions and their peoples. It is therefore our war too.

We aspire to a humanist, pacified and free future.

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