Rapport d'activité 2024 de
Pour l'Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre !
Retrouvez nos campagnes, nos appels de fonds, notre présence dans la presse et nos interventions auprès des responsables politiques ici :
who we are
Pour l'Ukraine, pour leur liberté et la nôtre! is a nonprofit organization (under the French 1901 law) created by civil society and independent of political affiliations, which campaigns in the political, legal, media and cultural arenas to raise awareness of the Ukrainian cause among French public opinion and European governments.
The association's primary aim is to support Ukraine's cause in the face of Russia's war of aggression, to support opponents of the war in Russia and, by extension, to support the cause of all peoples attacked or threatened by Russia.
Our name has a history: "For your freedom and ours!" appeared on the solidarity banner of Viktor Fainberg and the seven Russian dissidents who, on August 25 1968, protested in Red Square against the crushing of Czech youth by Soviet tanks.
Born in March 2022, in the universities and since enlarged to hundreds of supporters who, like us, want to inform themselves, debate, but above all act for the Ukraine, our collective has become an association under the law of 1901.
Oleksandra Matviichuk's speech on a new humanism, in her acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize 2022, is a source of inspiration for our association.
"The war in Ukraine is not a war between two states, but between two systems: authoritarianism and democracy".
Support the Ukrainian cause in all its dimensions against the crime of aggression committed by the Russian Federation
Defending our democratic values
in the face of total war
waged by the Russian Federation
Affirming our solidarity with Russian and Belarusian dissidents
""Russia's borders end nowhere".
Vladimir Putin, 2016
The main lines of our action
Made up of members of civil society from a variety of backgrounds, the association undertakes actions in line with its charter.
The deported children
Culture for Ukraine
President Zelensky stresses the necessary release of all Ukrainian deportees in Russia. We can help.
Support for Russian dissidents